3. BNB redistribution

Popularized‍ by‍ HODL‍ and‍ Ghost Face, a transaction fee is applied to every single buy /sell order, tokens are then swapped in real-time for BNB and added to a POOL (similar to how liquidity pools work). At Evameta Holders only hold a specific amount of tokens and get auto BNB Rewards Every 60 mins. No claiming dapp needed.

BNB redistribution

Claiming manually is not needed on Evameta:

  • BNB tokens are sent automatically to your Evam token Holding Wallet

  • No need to return frequently to manually claim your BNBs

  • Educating holders is complicated.

  • The minimum holding value eligible to get rewarded in BNB is $50 ‍We created a unique system that auto-distributes for every single holder the amount due. We call it the EVAMETA (PROTOCOL). ‍The way it works for holders: You buy tokens and hold them, every 60 minutes you'll automatically receive BNB in your wallet. Not a single action is required. Your EVAM tokens amount is persistent and won't change..

  • Behind the ENGINEERING

  • The contract keeps track in an array of all token holders

  • The contract keeps an index into the array for processing

  • Every transaction processes a certain number of users, depending on the transaction size (bigger token transfers can process more since the gas will still be proportionally less than the value of the tokens)

  • The token is based on a Dividend-Paying Token Standard, which means all BNB the contract gains will be split equally proportionally to the token holders.

  • When a user is processed, the contract checks how many withdrawable dividends they have, and if it is above the minimum threshold for auto-Distribution, will either automatically send those dividends for BNB, or automatically buy back tokens for them.

This system is fully automated and doesn’t add minimal gas fees proportional to the value transferred. The number of holders processed through each transaction is dynamic and based on transaction size. Holders will receive dividends from the queue based on their position in the array. It's a fair system, fully automated. The minimum token balance is 200 EVAM tokens to receive BNB distributions.

Last updated