A crypto project without solid and sustainable tokenomics is more likely to be disorganized and purposeless because tokens serve two crucial primary functions: Capturing the value and incentivizing the growth.

The Evameta Finance team is designing and will always design future token economy models with these key ideas in mind. Evameta Finance will be running highly cost-effective incentive programs and initiatives to help facilitate and ensure the continuous growth of the platform and the EVAM community. In the meantime, the EVAM token will be the perfect vehicle for encapsulating and representing the value of the Evameta Finance economy and ecosystem, and the collective value of the platform will be shared equitably and very generously with our loyal supporters. As outlined in Evameta Finance token distribution (Tokenomics), 10% of the EVAM total token supply is reserved for the community.

This is a substantial proportion and amount of tokens and it is hard to plan out all the incentive programs at first. As our platform continues to grow and users number increase and more product feature mature, the subject of value encapsulation will become more challenging. This is why the Evameta Finance design is open to constructive suggestions and feedback from everyone, as we seek to grow alongside the community.

The Total supply of EVAM tokens will be set at 500,000,000 tokens.

As mentioned in the Introduction, the rise of decentralized exchanges in recent years, solving several issues and surpassing limitations of the traditional centralized staking such as reducing security risks by using blockchains for disintermediation, has brought a lot of interest and attention and gave another fresh and new experience to Nft staking. Evameta is designed to deliver all the advantages of decentralized finance whilst bringing the traditional centralized finance experience and tools onboard. The platform will offer easy and accessible on-chain derivatives trading & Nft Staking Apps. With high leverage, low slippage, and low costs on Crypto assets and plans to expand into traditional assets, stocks, and commodities in the future.

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