Investor Buys “x” USDT of the Evameta token on ‘’x’’ Exchange and Holds (EVAM) Token. Investor Automatically Earns BNB.


Upon Buying (EVAM) Nft Warriors ‘’x’’, with Tokens in EVAM receiving the “x” NFT, the Evameta House deposits the Nft into the Vault. After that, Evameta Protocol proceeds to the Net asset price update in our AMM depending on the Nft APY amount position type (long or short), and the leverage. Which can be staked to earn more Evameta tokens on (long or short) term APY.

The Artificial market maker (AMM)

This strategy makes sure that the tokens and Staked Nfts are safe in our virtual wallet (called Vault) to prevent losses that might occur following technical issues, outsiders attacks, and potential system bugs in the vAMM. The sum of Investors Nft Staked gains equals other trader's losses. Which is similar to the traditional peer-to-peer futures trading mechanism. No liquidity providers are required as the tokens are not inside our vAMM. The vault always has enough collateral to pay back every Staked Nft because one Investor's gain will cancel out another Investors loss.

Opening a Staking position (Long/short)

Assuming there is a BNB/USDT Futures Staked contract AMM in EVAM and Bob (an Investor) is interested in getting a long Stake NFT position with 500 USDT x1 leverage:

  1. Evameta House checks Bob’s wallet has enough funds (500USTs) then calls vAMM’s stake function, and Stakes 500 USDT to vAMM in exchange for BNB/USDT. Note that the word “transfer” does not refer to moving tokens to vAMM, but updating the Staked Nft positions in vAMM. The BNB/USDT Nft position in vAMM is referred to as Base Asset, and the USDT Nft position in vAMM is referred to as Quote Asset. Assuming there are 20,000 USDTs (Quote Assets) and 650 BNBUSDTs (Base Assets) in vAMM, based on the calculations using constant product curve and spread, 500 USDTs are Staked for 15.8537 BNBUSDTs

  2. After Nft position House receives the according to the amount of Staked Nft BNB/USDTs, Bob’s Nft position would be updated to 15.8537 BNBUSDTs

  3. AMM’s total reserve would be updated to 20,500 USDTs (Quote Assets) and 634.1463 BNBUSDTs (Base Assets) after the completion of the Stake

Closing a position

The processes of closing and opening a long Staking position are similar. The only difference is that the Evameta Position House Stakes EVAM Nft in BNB/USDTs for USDTs when closing positions. Assuming Bob is interested in closing the 15.8537 BNB USDTs Evameta position he purchased:

  1. Bob calls the close Nft position function on the Evameta House smart contract, and Smart contract validates the requirements for closing Nft position.

  2. Nft Position House then calls vAMM’s Stake function and transfers 15.8537 BNBUSDTs in exchange for USDTs. As mentioned before, the term “transfer” here does not imply literally moving tokens to vAMM but updating the Nft position in vAMM. Assuming there are 21,000 USDTs (Quote Assets) and 619.0476 BNBUSDTs (Base Assets) in vAMM, based on the calculations using constant product curve and spread, 15.8537 BNBUSDTs are traded for 524.3802 USDTs.

  3. After Bob closes his Nft position, he will receive 524.3802 USDT on his wallet. vAMM’s total Nft position would be updated to 20,475.619831672 USDTs (Quote Assets) and 634.901414798 BNBUSDTs (Base Assets) after the completion of the trade.

Last updated